Online Security Solutions and the Role of Bypass TAPs: Best Practices for Implementation


Network security is a top priority for administrators and IT decision-makers, as cyber threats evolve and become more sophisticated. Without proper protection, networks are vulnerable to attacks that can result in data breaches, downtime, and significant financial losses. Inline security solutions provide an essential component of a comprehensive security strategy.

What are Inline Security Solutions?

Inline security solutions are a type of security architecture that involves the use of security tools and devices to inspect and filter network traffic in real-time. Unlike out-of-band security measures like NDR and IDS, inline security devices operate directly in the path of network traffic. This allows inline security solutions to provide immediate protection against cyber threats, including viruses, malware, and unauthorised access attempts.

By deploying inline security tools such as IPS, DLP systems, organisations can reduce their exposure to cyber threats and enhance their overall security posture. Inline security solutions can be implemented at various points in the network. By implementing inline security measures at strategic locations, organisations can minimise their attack surface and ensure that all network traffic is inspected and filtered for potential threats.

The Importance of Inline Security Solutions

Inline security is an essential component of a comprehensive security strategy. Network attacks can come from various sources, including email, web browsing, and file downloads, and can range from minor nuisances to significant breaches that can compromise sensitive data and damage an organisation’s reputation.

Inline security solutions allow administrators to monitor and control network traffic in real-time, helping to prevent cyber threats before they reach their target. By placing security devices directly in the network path, administrators can ensure that all traffic is inspected for malicious activity. Implementing inline security solutions is an industry best practice leveraged by cybersecurity professionals.

The Role of Bypass TAPs

The Bypass TAP is designed to be external to the inline security tool and was designed to resolve the problem of an inline security tool creating a point of failure in the network. Bypass TAPs prevent inline devices from being a single point of failure and causing network downtime. Network downtime can be costly for organisations and mean miserable, around-the-clock hours for IT professionals.

In the event the device fails or if there is a power loss, the heartbeat packets that are sent from the Bypass TAP to the inline device trigger the TAP to “bypass” that inline device. This leaves the network link up or triggering a failover to a redundant device. The heartbeats added to the redirected traffic have additional functionality: they allow the Bypass TAP to be aware of the health of an inline appliance.

Additionally, Bypass TAPs give network engineers a means to simplify tool management such as maintenance, installing patches, and making needed updates easier. Bypass TAPs allow for troubleshooting issues with the inline tool and validating the fix before putting the tool back inline. Investing in a Bypass TAP is the perfect way to add or pilot new inline devices in the future, without needing to take the network down.

Best Practices for Implementing Inline Security Solutions

Implementing inline security solutions with external Bypass TAPs requires careful planning and execution to ensure maximum effectiveness. Here are some best practices for implementing inline security solutions:

  1. Identify strategic locations: Assess your network infrastructure and identify strategic locations where inline security solutions should be implemented. These locations should be determined based on network traffic patterns, critical assets, and potential attack vectors.
  2. Select appropriate security tools: Choose the inline security tools that best match your organisation’s security needs. Consider factors such as the type of threats you are facing, the scalability of the solution, and compatibility with your existing network infrastructure.
  3. Ensure seamless integration: Work closely with your network administrators to ensure that the inline security solutions are seamlessly integrated into your network. This includes properly configuring the security tools, testing their functionality, and monitoring their performance.
  4. Implement failover mechanisms: Set up failover mechanisms to ensure that your network remains protected even in the event of a security tool failure or power loss. This can be done by utilising external Bypass TAPs that automatically bypass the failed device and maintain uninterrupted network traffic flow.
  5. Regularly update and maintain: Regularly update and maintain your inline security solutions to ensure that they are up-to-date with the latest threat intelligence and security patches. This includes regularly monitoring the performance of the security tools and conducting periodic audits to identify and address any vulnerabilities.

By following these best practices, you can implement inline security solutions that provide effective protection for your network and critical assets.


In conclusion, inline security solutions are a crucial part of a comprehensive network security strategy. By implementing external Bypass TAPs alongside inline security solutions, organisations can ensure that their network is protected and the tools delivering the protection are not creating any failure points in the network. By taking a proactive approach to network security with inline security solutions, organisations can minimise their exposure to cyber threats and enhance their overall security posture.

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